Monday, August 25, 2008

It's been really a long time since I actually 'typed' something, lately I've been posting some song lyrics or some forwarded carton clip!

It's not that nothing worth writing is not happening, but truth is a lot is happening and I'm hiding all that.
(Wah wah that’s a cool “not-nothing-not” kind of sentence :-) )

Well, I guess I'm surprising myself but not writing about ongoing India-SL series or Mendis's or Phelp's exploits.

Or about Olympic ceremonies, like I'll be monotonously repetitive if I say China has set the bar way too high for other countries, no its not like that others can't spend 40 billion dollars to host a mega event, but they definitely can't manage that sheer number of individuals performing.

China surely has used their huge population to their advantage in a fantastic way.

Regarding actual games, I feel certain sports should be banned, yes completely banned, what kind of crap is that "synchronized swimming/ synchronized diving/ Rhythmic Gymnastics/ Trampoline"???

Well, weekend was spent watching movies some 3.5 in all, and that .5 comprises 1/4 of Kismet Connection (felt like crushing its DVD), and 1/4 of Phoonk (fell asleep); Other 3 movies are mentioned on the sidebar.

Ouch, this has turned out another rant-ish post, so that's the prime reason I should stay away from writing anything on Monday morning.

With that, I strongly recommend that all offices should declare half-days on Mondays and Friday, that is first half off on Mondays and second half off on Fridays.


Anonymous said...

"With that, I strongly recommend that all offices should declare half-days on Mondays and Friday, "..
Ha Ha... Looking at our busyness I think they should have 2 days working and 5 days off.

Anonymous said...

when we're asking, i think we should ask for more off days :D

Pallavi said...

And what else is new ??