Today not in the best of the moods, so I'm afraid again this post might turn out to a depressing one, hmmmm..don't know exactly what is putting me down, but bit of many things are pulling me down. I want to get over this spell as soon as possible and I'll come out of it. Yes, I'll.
16th September is a special day for me, and will remain so through out my life.
I started my career on this day in 1999. I got my first break after 2 months of passing out from University, I won't say I had difficult time, may be I didn't realize that those were the hard times :-) , but it was a great relief to get a job after some heart-breaking rejections (to be frank, I still carry that hurt n feel the pain) (unlike everything, there's reason behind that).
Date:: 16th-September-1999, time:: 9:30am, Venue :: My first company, my first job, Connaught Place, New Delhi.
{{Though, been through a lot, at all the places I worked but my first job and collegues there will always hold special place my heart, I can say I've made friends for life there and thats enough reason to feel good about everything.
Memories of first job are endless, and as usual..difficult to put into words.
Resigned on:: 27th Feb 2003.
First job is more-or-less like a first-love , it remains with you, u like it or not.
5 years........time for introspection!!!!!
Result:.........will write after introspection.
End Times
1 week ago