Before I forget I have to write this down.(will capture it soon too)
My heart burns to see my sideburns or non-existent sideburns, through out my life I always maintained normal length, neither long nor short, and now suddenly there r no sideburns.
Lady simply asked my 'how do you like ur sideburns, and I replied short....'wooosh' in one stroke she removed their existence. And I continued the polite smile with 100 khanjars in my heart.
Now, I look like Mithun-da of mid eighties (minus a muffler).
Movies seen
1) The Grudge
2) The Hunting
Movies started but couldn't finish
1) Bunty aur Bubly
2) Pyaare Mohan
3) Darna zaroori hai
End Times
1 week ago