These angrezes have a strange bemmari of shortening names, of males only.
Stephen becomes Steve, Timothy becomes Tim, James (hell which already is short) becomes Jim, Mathew becomes Mat, Michael -- Mike, Donald -Don.
There is this something abt them to shorten every male-name to 3 or 4 letter word. May be coz thats easy to speak but sometimes it becomes funny here in our office between all these Tim Toms Jim Don etc.., surprisingly females always have longer names and they prefer same however long they are. In fact females don't like their short names, trying calling Elizabeth just Beth or Jess to Jessica and see what I mean.
Its ok as long as this trend is limited to them but when they start renaming desis it start to sound weird...Jagadish becomes Jag, agreed their tongues can't bent that way to pronounce it right but still....its lil difficult to associate K.V.S.Pondhaisamy with Sam or Pon.
Also I hate it when desis live their fantasies of changing their names :-) , I know a lot of desis working in nearby Dominos with name-badge identifying them as Dave,Tez,Dez,Pete etc in reality they are Devinder,Tejinder, Preetam, Deepak etc.
Places I want to visit::
1) Calcutta
2) Venice
3) NY
4) Pune
5) Lansdowne
-- I always feel like taking a long break after every meeting I attend.
-- I get very restless if I don't know the solution of a problem, and the moment I figure out solution I lose interest and don't feel like implementing it.
End Times
1 week ago