"Life consists of few days..few good and few bad days decide our whole lives"..so it boils down to decisions we make!!..hmm these or something like these lines from movie 'Riding in cars with boys' have been ringing in my head for past...say two months....simple lines, we all know abt it..but still.....
'Million Dollar Baby', another remarkable movie, that casted some sort of spell on me, it happened after long time, last time Shawshank Redemption did more than that!!
whoaa..world cup is in full swing...is seriously interesting n aggressive this time!!
World cup never fails to bring back memories..and hell lot of them....it all started with 'Mexico-86' WC, and the semfinal between Argentina n England was one of the my earliest memories of the game.
Surprisingly, Germany the most boring team is playing good aggressive brand of soccer....hmm..now Brazil is out of it, I support Italy like the way I did in Italia 90' though that time Baggio broke the heart.....thats another story.
Money does something to people, I always knew this but here daily I see this reality in its stark naked sense!!
There is nothing called 'bondings' or 'friendship', rather its all about using people, and making false pride and bank balance swell!
Noisy, be it watering plants or cleaning the streets with huge vaccum cleaners or manicuring the shrubs...all these machines have one thing in common they make a hell lot of noise, good enough to scare away the sleep for couple of days... disappointments in US..as wifey calls them!
Bravo n Sarwan, all set to create history in Sabina Park :-( ...dunno why such things happen with us.
Edited* -- Kumble did it!!! yessss.....!!!
End Times
1 week ago