My relationship with this blog is turning out to be same as my relationship with everyone else..I mean as with all people around me. In short ‘Duniya’.
It’s not that I don’t like it or don’t like people…acquaintances ..friends….etc.
By not talking (vastly different from communicating) or not being in touch, some may think of me as..’bridge burner’…or for a lack of better word ‘bridge abandoner’; but something within me says I’m neither of these.
This is not an abandoned place, I religiously (again due to lack of better word) visit this blog (and blogs of all my virtual friends) at least once everyday, and I’m sure dear blog knows this and shyaad also understands this, which I cannot say about duniya.
And million dollar question is…what to blog what not to blog, what to show and what to hide…and stuff which comes under ‘not to blog’ makes much more interesting posts.
Nope, writing about workplace is not at all safe, though I’ve done that in past, but now that’s a big NO. And other interesting insights which one gains from personal life are too personal to share, or personal word will lose its meaning.
Still outside of these two premises, things can be written about / shared here, and for that some good writing skills are needed which I clearly don’t have.
There are so many wonderful bloggers out there who weave beautifully witty stories out of mundane activities….like getting a hair cut or visiting dentist or an eating place.
Hmmm may be some day….
Yes I’m a social disaster; yes I don’t talk, especially when everyone else around me is talking. Okay, I don’t talk because I find it very boring, and 99.9% people talk the OBVIOUS things….yes pretty plain obvious…and I hate hearing my voice stating obvious stuff. So prefer to keep quiet and listen (or pretend to) everyone else’s self-boasting half-baked theories and stories.
Why can’t we be normal….just plain boring normal people…talking about normal stuff…no more show-off, no more artificial talks….no more passing judgments about everything, no more proving a point or something.
Life is not a contest after all.
Plus, I hate this concept of ‘ice-breaking’…..why is that everyone starts with weather and ends up with economic policies when one cannot do anything about either.
I think,someday I’d start carrying an actual ice-breaker with me and …..
End Times
1 week ago