There are two kinds of players, one who raise their game when they play a higher-quality player and there is one who drags their higher-quality opponent to their low-level and then beat them by playing street-smart shots.
And I think I belong to both kinds. Some days I’m aggressive and match them shot-by-shot and some days I slow it down, and play lot of lobs which land right on baseline, and then hit lot of drop shots to bring them to net. It looks ugly but fun nevertheless ;-)
Alright, after a long, watched a movie, or I’ll say watched first 30-40 minutes of the movie KITES. And so far it’s ok; I think I can finish it in another 2-3 sittings.
On a positive note, I liked this Barbara Mori lady; she looked fantastic, someone like actual actress, well don’t know how to put that in words but to say the least after a long time saw some mature, gorgeous unabashed (in right sense, ok) woman unlike run-of-the mill teenage actresses of these days.
Alright, let’s hear it straight, she is someone of my age-group whom I can ogle at without any guilt ;-)
Anyone following Wimbledon?? John Isner / Nicolas Mahut match?
They played 4 sets yesterday before bad-light stopped the match-
They stopped at
6-4, 3-6, 6-7, 7-6, and
And today resumed the fifth and final set and score as I type is 47-47.
I’m sure their next round opponent must be a very happy man.
Ruh ke bandhan khultey nahi hai……daag hai dil ke dhultey nahi hai…..
End Times
1 week ago