Phewww..another weekend approaching, and I always approach weekend with lot of childlike zeal n enthusiasm, I love Sundays but only till 8pm, coz after that my mind starts making schedule for coming week.
Well, last weekend was fun, we watched Ice Age - The meltdown in the nearby mulitiplex, movie was fun, just perfect for a Saturday evening.
Read a very interesting n though provoking one liner::-
"People who believe in love at first sight, can never stop looking."
and I think its true :-)
After a long time, after 3 years I played basketball, and still all muscles of my body are cursing me for that, right shoulder in particular.
In my last post I made an incomplete list of movies watched in past 2.5 months, well, here I have nothing to I end up watching movies on my dear lappy.
In fact here I think here majority of Indians are like that only, normally we people do not have wat we call them….'hobbies' or some other interests to pursue… we end up watching movies, more for the need of killing time.
And "A Cinderella story" is added too.
At last weather is getting better now, otherwise since almost past one month RainGod was doing some sort of weird experiments, it used be bright in the morning, rainy in the noon and cold n windy in evening n nights, now its pleasant, living upto the name of city.
Now sitting on 4-0 lead, Chappel can do some more experiments with the line-up, its high time they accommodate Venugopal Rao in middle order, and also give some rest to Pathan too.
Yesterday visited a bookstore; it was another lil nice experience, though a bit hard to stop my impulsive self from indulging. I did fairly well, and promised it to return back on weekend with wifey.
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
6 days ago