I can count the number of times we actually met in person, even number of hours spent together can be counted easily but number of hours spent talking over phone can’t be :-).
In past 4 yrs, I tried all cellular service providers.. “Airtel”, Hutch”, “Idea”, “Dolphin/Trump” and finally settled down with Reliance….helping Anil & Mukesh in realizing DhiruBhai’s dream.
It is nothing short of a miracle; it’s something straight out of fairytales. Yes, I’m talking about my marriage; we met in yahoo chat room in the year 2001 and now after a 4yrs of long distance relationship we are happily married (so far : -P)
This feeling is something unexplainable; harder I try to pen down this…faster my mind goes blank.
There is someone up there controlling everything.
Thank you YAHOO.
Thank you MTNL.
Thank you Deepesh for providing me chori-ke-Satyam-and-BSNL passwords.
Thank you Gagan for dragging me along to Lucknow much against my wishes.
Thank you Vipul for being my host @ Lucknow on my subsequent trips, for all breakfasts and dinners u made for me.
Thank you Sana, Shaila, Sara and Ghuncha.
Thank you Payal and Prachi.
Thank you IRCTC.
Thank you Jain Sahab.
…the list is endless…
...Thank you everybody for all the wishes and prayers.
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
6 days ago