Habits damn habits,…one I hate most is of delaying all tasks till the last minute.
Just like, while playing, almost in every game I give first point as gift, and then try to come back from there.
Sometimes I dig myself a hole by doing down double service breaks and then fight every point to avoid defeat. Some days I win, some days I lose, but never learn the lesson that every single point counts. Every single minute counts.
Earlier it used to be the thrill of working under pressure, and doing a good job of it, but now that’s not the motivation either. Don’t know what it is.
I felt terrible for South Korea, and today feeling same for Japan. Not fair.
While we’re at it, I’ll pick Argentina as favorites to lift the cup or Brazil or Spain as 3rd choice
Watched Rajneeti, that too whole movie at one go, and guess what, I didn’t like it.
It was like watching a Manmohan Desai movie with different kind of masala.
It kept on throwing scenes after scenes, plots after plots without giving anytime to think, pause and gulp what is being shown.
It started with lot of confusions, and God only knows what was that voiceover? who was talking to who?
Whole movie relied on dragging the already confused audience to the current scene, and so in fear of again missing out something audience focused on 1 scene at a time, and that each scene looked like a short mysterious story (which wasn't the case).
I’ll not go into that Kunti-Karan scene or everyone getting pregnant and all, but can’t help pointing out Katrina’s dialogue in end…”aapke bhai ansh chhod gaye hai” what crap was that? Who the hell talks like that?
Now I think I should stop, and go home to catch Spain-Portugal action.
End Times
1 week ago