This is most shameful act Pakis have done this time, and by looking at the videos & articles like this , it is clear that most of Pakistani players have been doing this for years without being caught, and now they’ve become so confident of not being caught that, they and their bookie kind of let their guard down.
Also, it is equally disgusting to read guys like Lawson showing sympathy towards them, isn’t it ridiculous?
And at other hand guys like Ponting and Shane Watson are talking trash by saying it as a ‘sub-continent’ culture thing. They should first look at themselves before passing such stupid blanket statements, they should ask Mark Waugh, Shane Warne first if it is cultural thing or not.
How can PCB tolerate guys like Asif who has a long list of misdoings, from failing drug test in IPL to detention in Dubai with drugs, then dressing –room fight with Akhtar and now after making a comeback, this guy is involved in match/spot-fixing?
In my opinion even lifetime ban is not enough for guys like Asif / Ameer, they should not be even allowed go near a playing field.
I’m angry because nothing will come out of this, Pakistan Cricket Board, will first – deny all allegations, then will form an inquiry committee, and then after impose bans and then will revoke the bans in lieu of some monetary fines.
Damn ‘monetary’ fines?? So that completes the circle, first make money through ‘fixings’ and if caught then pay some small percentage to board and play again to make some more money.
How can they forget a guy named Bob Woolmer lost his life because of this murky side of Pakistan Cricket, how can they still continue to the same again and again?
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1 week ago