Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rule# 83

83) Just having right tools won’t take you anywhere; only "your will", and “will to apply yourself” would.

I’ll tell you an incident here, when I was 12/13 ( by the way, most of the interesting things happened to me when I was 12/13), as I was youngest child, so always used to have more than enough supply of ‘hand-me-downs’ be it toys or clothes or books; so during midterm exams, before mathematics exam I felt the ‘urgent’ need to buy another ‘guide book’, though I had at least 3 other books available ( like Manjeet Singh etc.) but I was adamant and thought I’ll fail if I don’t get this new book.
After little persuasion parents agreed to buy me this new book, I remember there was a gap of three days between exams, I was just so contented with my new possession, and in my head assumed that now I've the book and can study it anytime I want to; As a result I wasted whole 2 and half days, and struggled to make use of remaining half day ( by the way, there was a cricket tournament going on in Sharjah), and failed miserable in the exam, for record I got 3 out of 20. That was devastating at that time.

I still make same mistakes for different things, but I want you to realize this early on. At least try to make sense of it early on.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Rule# 82

82) When someone does something wrong, don't forget all the things they did right.

Rule# 81

81) You and only you are responsible for what goes inside your body;
Think 100 times before eating/drinking anything, to check if that is in sync with the 'future physical image' you have about yourself.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rule# 80

80) Don't let anger or joy cloud your vision, specially anger.
      Analyze your anger, and you'll find the reason within.
      Keep thinking my dear son.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Rule# 79

79) Focus on feeding the FAITH than on aggravating the ANGST.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Rule# 78

78) Work out your 'work muscles'.

Ok, let me elaborate; just like warming up is necessary before running/weight training or any other physical exercises, similarly sometimes it is necessary to ‘work out’ your work muscles before starting some task at work.  It’s about getting your mind into right frame of mind to carry out the task in hand. It’s about setting the tone/momentum by starting with smaller/manageable task so that sends signals of ‘accomplishment’ to brain and prepares it for bigger tasks.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rule# 77

77) Win or lose, pass or fail, but always learn the lesson.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

 दिल की  बात अब कहे किस से
वो कहानिया वो अफ़साने वो बेकार के किस्से    । । ।

 दिल की  बात अब कहे किस से  । ।

कुछ संग ले गए मुझे, कुछ अपना छोड़ गए तुम
ग़म संग  ले गए तुम, बस  हसीं  छोड़ी मेरे हिस्से

 दिल की  बात अब कहे किस से
वो कहानिया वो अफ़साने वो बेकार के किस्से    । । ।

वो शामें   वो गाने   वो महफ़िले   वो चर्चे , सारी रौनक़ थी तुमसे
सब हैं वहीं पर अब बुझ सी गयी हैं , उठके महफ़िल से गए तुम जब से

 दिल की  बात अब कहे किस से  । ।

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

यह मन

जहाँ नहीं है वही होना चाहता है
और जहाँ है वही से कौसो दूर है। …

देर रात jogging की ख्याइश बुनता है
भरी दोहपहरी में किसी पहाड़ की चोटी छूना  चाहता है

जब music सुनने का option  पास ना हो, तभी कुछ सुनने की तलब होती है
और जब होता है, तो कुछ ही देर में सब सुना सुना सा लगता है

कभी सारी दुनिया को switch off करके कोई किताब पढ़ने को तरसता है
और जब किताबें सामने हो तो सब समेट कर सोने का ढ़ोंग करता है

और जब सोने लगता है तो वोह भी time waste सा लगता है

जो है वो नहीं चाहिए।।।
और क्या चाहिए पता नहीं पर बहुत ज़रूरी और जल्दी  चाहिये। …

है तो बस........  एक ख़ालीपन

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Italia 90 ..oops World Cup 2014

When it comes to Soccer World, I’m still stuck at ‘ITALIA 90’, when I watched ALL ( ok most of the) games. Every time when world cup is on, I always talk about ITALIA 90 games, how cool was Baggio, or Roger Milla or Argentinian goalkeeper became overnight stars, blah blah…see this is my problem, I can’t get over ITALIA 90 :-)

Alright, for this edition , mark my top 4 contenders –
1)    Belgium
2)    Brazil
3)    Netherlands
4)    Germany

Thank you :-)

Friday, June 06, 2014

Rule# 76

Words have an obstinate power, especially the ones which are never spoken, specially that self-talking that goes on and on and on.
Nothing ever in this Universe gets unheard , whatever  you think, say, mutter at someone, at yourself world general.  It all becomes the part of the Universal reverberations .

76) So, stay positive, joyful in your head and heart.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rule# 75

75) If one fine day you observe that you're lacking spring in your step, then chances are you might be lacking the "purpose". Re-think everything.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Rule# 74

74) Don’t envy someone else’s happiness, coz sometimes our envy always last longer than the happiness of those we envy.