Mercury is scaling new heights, and kept us indoor for the weekend, we could only go out on Saturday night to catch 10:40pm 'Superman Returns' show at a nearby IMAX theatre; it was my first movie at any IMAX. And ard 20-25 mins of 3D effects were enough to make me smile :-)
Though not a great movie but it had its moments....... like when Superman saves the crashing plane and places it in a baseball stadium :-) ;
Should not be missed if you liked superman comics once!!
I'm not much for Matrix or LOTRs type movies but definitely 've a soft corner for 'Spiderman' and 'Superman' kinda comics flicks. :-)
On Sunday watched 'Before Sunset' again, and absolutely loved it again!!!
Other movies watched during week::
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
And movies didn't watch::
Schindler's list and
Final Destination!!
Completed 8 months in alien land..., initially I used to call home daily, and sometimes twice a day, then started calling every alternate day, and gradually brought it down to twice a week!!!
And I just realized in past 2 weeks I called home just two times!!
Each n every time conversation is same, Dad asks about work, Mom inquires about health, and I talk about weather here!!!
Yes, weather has been changing...from foggy winters to insane rains to now fierce summers, but still.......hmmm.....nothing has changed, nothing will ever change!!!
Though most of it is already here….but still doing it just like that.....Now please don't think that I don't have anything better to do.... actually boss is away for a week, and today is first day without his towering presence (he is 7 ft, :-( I mean easily 6' 5"), though he gave me hell lot of work and I dunno kaha se shru karoun :-), so kinda enjoying my freedom, and till now I don't know what I'm gonna write in my end of the day status report :-) 1) My Accent: 100% Hinduatani.
2) Booze: noooooooo.....
3) Chore I Hate: Washing clothes
4) Dog or Cat: None, I hate them; bachpan mein our dog had bitten me twice, and padosi ki billi ate my pet tortoise on a Sunday afternoon! :-(
5) Essential Electronics: hmm...none actually..hmm on second thoughts ..Laptop
6) Perfume: Hugo Boss
7) Gold or Silver: none, though I wear 3 rings..'sab prabhu ki maya hai'
8) Home: Dilli meri jaan!
9) Insomnia: Ya movie was nice!!! ohh well, pehle neend bahut aati thi, ab neend hi nahi aati :-(
10) Job Title: India mein to tha but yaha to I'm still figuring out....
11) Living Arrangements: arrangement??? hmmm with wifey and lots of pizzas and coke!!
11) Number of times in hospital: lost the count!
12) Phobias: lot of them, don't know the fancy name for them if they have any!
13) Quote: " " {will come up with one someday}
14) Religion: hmmm, if given power, will make this world religion-less!! just imagine of whole world becomes religion-less half of our problems will go away and there will be lots of cool converted -- hotels n resorts!!
15) Time I wake Up: ard 7:45am on weekdays and 11am on weekends
16) Unusual Talent or Skill: none :-(
17) Vegetable I Love: karela :-)
18) Worst Habit: p r o c r a s t I n a t I o n.........
19) X-rays: twice or may be thrice
20) Yummy Food I Make: Dunno, otherwise would have filled number 16)
21) Zodiac Sign: Gemini22) People tagged to do it: whoever is bored n waiting for his/her lunch break!
hmm..Depp or watever its official 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2' has created a record for best opening week by earning ard $55 million!And also I found it UTTER CRAP!!Keira looks like a boy and Depp acts like both 'boy-girl' combo!
They just cashed on the success of Part-1 and fooled people to watch Part-2 which is nothing but a 'set-up' for Part-3.
WC'06 ended on a high note for me as my favourites in the end got what they deserved, and showed that cup can be won without any superstars and also showcased the power of defensive tactics. Though sad part was Zidane's bizzare act, no matter what was said to him, it was plain stoooopid on his part to end his career like that!!!
****** Very funny Peter!
I just don't wanna rant abt bomb blasts, kidnappings, terrorist strikes and all.....
I'm yearning to watch....'Yuva'..once more, again for the sake of brilliant brilliant direction (I do not understand fancy words like cinematography etc.)
-- that 'jail mein kabaddi' and that beach par 'deodorant/toothpaste' ki ad jaisa song..'Aey khuda..shukriya..meharbaaani....pal do pal kya miley mil gayeee..pareshaaanii......Anjanaaaa Anjaaaaani....'
Well, on 2nd July, completed 2 yrs. in blogger's park!!
Kinda bored but chalta hai yaar....!
Waiting for Sunday....two of my all-time favorites are clashing it out for Wimbledon title!!
And of course its gonna be Italy Vs France, and I support Italy any day!
Whoever wins, a new star 'Franck Ribery' has emerged!!
"Life consists of few days..few good and few bad days decide our whole lives" it boils down to decisions we make!!..hmm these or something like these lines from movie 'Riding in cars with boys' have been ringing in my head for past...say two months....simple lines, we all know abt it..but still.....****'Million Dollar Baby', another remarkable movie, that casted some sort of spell on me, it happened after long time, last time Shawshank Redemption did more than that!!**** cup is in full seriously interesting n aggressive this time!!World cup never fails to bring back memories..and hell lot of all started with 'Mexico-86' WC, and the semfinal between Argentina n England was one of the my earliest memories of the game.Surprisingly, Germany the most boring team is playing good aggressive brand of Brazil is out of it, I support Italy like the way I did in Italia 90' though that time Baggio broke the heart.....thats another story.****Money does something to people, I always knew this but here daily I see this reality in its stark naked sense!!There is nothing called 'bondings' or 'friendship', rather its all about using people, and making false pride and bank balance swell!****Noisy, be it watering plants or cleaning the streets with huge vaccum cleaners or manicuring the shrubs...all these machines have one thing in common they make a hell lot of noise, good enough to scare away the sleep for couple of days... disappointments in wifey calls them!****Bravo n Sarwan, all set to create history in Sabina Park :-( ...dunno why such things happen with us. ****
Edited* -- Kumble did it!!! yessss.....!!!